Monday, February 21, 2011

As Low As He Can Go? Only Time Will Tell.

Copied and posted from a licensed private investigator/investigative agency's Blog wherein Charles Richard Treuter is exposed for his LIES about having served in the United States Army.  Now that's really sick and really LOW!  Bottom of the barrel scum is what Charles Richard Treuter has become and is.


Charles Richard Treuter's Stolen Valor Exposed

Charles Richard Treuter (born May 19, 1944) has previously been exposed as:

  • An Internet Troll
  • A Pathological Liar
  • Phony,
  • A Fraud, 
  • A Racist, 
  • An Anti-Semite, 
  • A Fake,
  • A Convicted Felon,
  • A Thief, 
  • A Failure, 
  • A Disinherited First-Born Son, One Who Was Disavowed, Denounced, And Disowned By His Now Deceased Mother, Nellie Vernon Treuter,
  • A Sociopath, Who Suffers From A 50-Year-Old Case Of Untreated Syphilis, 
  • A Delusional Dolt That Is Also A Pathetic Ne'er Do Well Who Was Fired From Every Job He Ever Had (ALL Of Which Were In Retailing And None Of Which Were Ever In Academia As He Has Claimed), 
  • A Man Who Has Been Married Three Times And Divorced By His First Two Wives (He Is Now Married To Elizabeth Ann [Jarvis] Treuter, An Obese Moonbat, Mormon Bedpan Changer Who Pretends She Has Degrees She Does Not Possess, Including A Ph.D. From John Hopkins University - She Was Recently Fired From Correctional Medical Services Where She Was Employed As A Bedpan Changer "Nurse" In A Maryland State Prison),
  • A Former Member Of An Arkansas Branch Of The Ku-Klux-Klan,
  • An Apartment Dweller In A Cramped, Old, Poorly Managed And Poorly Maintained Columbia, Maryland Complex, AND
  • An Admitted Homosexual, Who, For Some Reason, Thought It Important To Post The Fact On A Food Blog Site.

Now, on President's Day, 2011, this paid commissioned licensed private investigator exposes Charles Richard Treuter for being a pathetic and egregious member of the "Hall Of Shame" individuals who have chosen to LIE about having served in the United States Military when in fact they never did, having rose to ranks which they never did, having earned medals of valor they never earned, and proving themselves to be sicko draft dodgers who were too chicken-shit and cowardly to serve their country in times of war. 

Below are two photographs of Charles Richard Treuter, a short, fat, and miserable loser who dared to falsely claim service to the United States through military service when in fact he became a draft dodger in the 1960s after graduating from Houston, Texas' Reagan High School.

Note The Camo Pants He Bought At Wal-Mart And
 Wears As A Member Of The Hall Of Shame For Stolen Valor

Photo Posted At And Borrowed From TheCharlie "no balls" Treuter Blogsite 
Appropriately Captioned

Although Charles Richard Treuter has repeatedly claimed he served four years in the United States Military in his posts on numerous blogs, below is one of those claims which was quickly debunked by a Blogsite owner:

Charles Richard Treuter/DocChuck's posting wherein he attempts to spin his way out of being challenged about his phony and made up past: "Well, Sir, when you are 68 years old, and if you worked for a company for 25 of those years that moved you every year or so to a new 'project', you too would have 'lived' in a LOT of states.     Some may consider that "GOOD", but many folks, perhaps such as youself, may not be able to handle it.     However, in an attempt to satisfy your obvious curiosity, I was born and raised in TEXAS.  After graduation from college, and after spending 4 years in government service, I was recruited by the Kmart Corporation and sent on a mission to establish (open and staff) new stores in all corners of the USA.  After 25 years, I retired, returned to University life, earned an Ed.D. (University of Houston) then a Ph.D. (University of Texas) and then proceeded to teach at universities in Texas, Arkansas, Alaska, and Nassau (Bahamas).     During that time, I met and married a wonderful lady 15 years my junior who is an APN and who holds a Ph.D. in Nursing.  After 'retiring'  6 years ago,  I now follow my wife as her company moves her around the country setting up contracts with various states (Arkansas, New Jersey, Maryland, and now perhaps Arizona) to handle the medical care in the various State's Correctional Facilities (prisons in layman language).

Does that satisfy your curiosity?  You can easily 'Google'  the facts should you need to allay your concerns.  Some people lead VERY BUSY LIVES  .  I happen to be one of those types of people  . My wife and I NEVER let moss grow under our posteriors, so to speak.

And, finally, NO, I have not lived in "all 57 states" as you put it ---- BUT, I am working on it, and will try to keep you informed of my progress.  If you have any further questions, I will attempt to address them. "

Web/Blog Site Owner's Response: Kind of strange that your resume says you did all the Higher Ed back in the 60's and early 70's. That would make you about 100 years old by now... I think your fake life-history is giving you away. You are no longer welcome on this site.   
Hasta La Vista, TROLL. 

Another fraudulent claim made on Charles Richard Treuter's hate blog wherein he stated:

"Yes, Rush Limbaugh, just like Kenneth Wayne Treuter -- BOTH COWARDS -- dodged the Viet Nam draft, while REAL MEN such as myself served bravely to protect their country's interests.  I honorably served in the United States Army for four years and left the service with the rank of Captain.  My other brother, Douglas Vernon Treuter who served in the United States Air Force during the Viet Nam campaign and I both saw combat in Viet Nam; however, I was the one who  was awarded two medals for valor (The Army's Bronze and Silver Stars)."


Charles Richard Treuter's fraudulent claims to service in the United States Military (He claimed his "service" was in the U.S. Army but I checked each branch of the military (including the National Guard/Reserve) so he couldn't come back and, like U.S. Senate Democrat candidate Richard Blumenthal, attempt to wiggle out of his pathetic lie by saying he misspoke) I firstly consulted with a retired FBI agent, Thomas Cottone, who used to who used to investigate military impostors for the agency and learned from him that, according to Cottone, that those who lie about military service do it because “They all want to be recognized. They need that ego boost.”

Cottone, who retired in 2007, said his caseload of military impostors roughly doubled after the Sept. 11 attacks as reverence for military service intensified.  “Some of it is guilt,” he said. “They regretted they didn’t serve in Vietnam. They just felt they missed that opportunity to be a warrior.”

Consulting with Christian Appy, a history professor at the University of Massachusetts who has written extensively on the Vietnam War, told me that many men remain convinced the Vietnam war was unjust and have no regrets about avoiding service.
“But certainly some portion of the Vietnam generation feels they missed out on some primal vital male testing experience,” Appy said. “They feel like they missed out on an adventurous exciting heroic moment that would test them.”
In my commissioned efforts to expose the truth about Charles Richard Treuter's claims to military service, rank, and awards I did what any researcher or investigator is free to do.  I requested, under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).  I made my requests to The National Personnel Records Center which responds to over 1.4 million requests annually for copies of military personnel.  Using the government provided Standard Form 180 (Rev. 10/10)
I then waited for the results, exchanged some additional communications with the agency, and then received the documents I had sought.  The result was upon my thorough review of those official government documents it was unequivocally established that any and all claims made by Charles Richard Treuter with respect to serving in the United States Military (and any branch thereof) were completely false and that his claims were/are one and all LIES.  Additionally the government provided documents establish that he was never, ever drafted into military service and never volunteered for military service and never enlisted into military service and never, ever served the United States Of America government/peoples through military service.
Charles Richard Treuter, a known pathological liar, is once again BUSTED!



This is an issue that has been with us always, going all the way back to the Revolution. It was especially prevalent after the Civil War.

The primary reason why it seems to happen so often these days is the fact that we have narrowed the list of whom we will accept in the US Military. At one time almost ANYONE could get in - this was made necessary because of the Draft - and there was absolutely no reason why someone had to have an advanced education in order to qualify for service. In those days, almost ALL jobs found in the service were performed by persons in Uniform, and we actually had an MOS for those who otherwise would not qualify educationally for service [00B00 Duty Soldier]. They would do the various chores that we now give to persons on Medical Hold, or on Casual Status, or they would be the Unit Orderly who would take care of all the little things that often slip through the cracks today, or they would act as Enlisted Aid to Commanders, and would hold rank commensurate with the rank of the Commander they worked for. Now-a-days, we have Enlisted ranks that can no longer be reached without a College Degree, and some even require both a College Degree AND continuing education towards a Graduate Degree. You can't even get in without a High School Diploma.

Another reason - commensurate with the first - is that it has always been true that certain civilian jobs - especially politics - are awarded with preference to those who have military status behind them, especially during a war. Now, with our limited ability to get into the Military, that preference has turned into a "Sword of Damocles", meaning that being able to say "Yes, I served in the Military, and it was during wartime, too"; can add millions of votes to one's election effort.

The irony is that we knowingly have minimized our political pool because of this very issue, on the one hand, and have made that fact totally irrelevant in the larger world, on the other. And yet, we still stigmatize people who run afoul of this ironic fact.

“Man is a clever animal who behaves like an imbecile.”

Albert Schweitzer

And gentlemen [at home] now [in] bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us...
-King Henry the Fifth
From Henry V, Act 4, Scene 3
William Shakespeare, 1599

400 plus years ago, Shakespeare hit it on the head: Anyone who stayed home while there was a war to fight should feel like a wuss. Nobody likes to feel like a wuss.

Not since WWII has out military been on such a patriotic roll. This is enhanced due to the non-existent draft. To use an old adage "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery". When you are at the top of the heap everyone who could not obtain that lofty position wants to be, or wishes at least that they were part of the movement.

Patriotism is contagious, and in the past twenty years has been tended and nurtured back into the American way. We all applaud this transition, especially those of us whom returned home after a second place finish, to a second place reception. I don't know about others but I swore that this would not happen to the next generation of US service persons.  Now a US military person can enter any establishment and be greeted with warmth and friendship, even to handshakes and backslaps from those who did not themselves receive it.

Those in the past, who would have torn down the US service personal for the limelight are now forced to lie about their personal happenstance to others looking for that same self gratification that was earned by others which would be stolen by these pretenders.

US service personnel (active or reserve or retired) knows a difference of character forged from the extreme camaraderie demanded by the service to survive. No outsider that has missed that experience can last long without proving to those around they are a pretender. Sometimes its just better to let it pass, other times do require an action. We have all met or seen or heard these pretenders, they are as obvious as the nub just out of boot with 4 rows of campaign ribbons and gold dolphins adorning his chestEveryone wants to be a winner. Some just believe they can be one through words instead of deeds.

I have learned over the years to trust my gut, if someone doesn't seem exactly right, they usually are not. How much I pursue the feeling is normally directly proportionate to the amount of irritation I feel. Ask Democrat John Kerry what being a non-hero did for his career. Throw down that gauntlet and you had better be ready to back your statements up.


Charles Richard Treuter's Egregious LIE:

“…I was too busy earning my United States Army ranking of ‘Captain’. I was too busy being an American…”

Recently an activist/socialistic federal judge, who needs to be impeached, has stated that it's not unlawful for losers like Charles Richard Treuter to LIE about military service and valor and has attempted to overturn federal laws which forbid:

“Claiming to have served in the United States Armed Forces,  a Reserve Component thereof, or the National Guard; or

Claiming he served in the military during a wartime era, whether or not there was a declared war, or makes ANY misrepresentation of actual military service.”

Even if this sociopathic fraud (DocChuck who in actuality is known as Charles Richard Treuter who was born in Houston, Texas on  May 19, 1942 to Richard Oscar and Nellie Vernon Treuter) cannot be criminally prosecuted for what indeed should be a crime (stolen valor) this investigator can certainly expose him for the pathological liar that he is.  How shameful it is that this coward who ducked military service during the Vietnam War to claim that  “earned” or “rose” to the level of “Captain” in the military, especially during a time when the United States Military was involved in war in order to defend the government of South Viet Nam from the communist regime of North Viet Nam -making his fraudulent claim all the more egregious. 

Charles Richard Treuter has crossed the lines of decency, morality, and the rule of law this latest act of self-aggrandizement, i.e., LIE.

Charles may take comfort in the fact that as of August, 2010 -- A federal appeals court ruled earlier this month that the Stolen Valor Act passed by Congress in 2006 which made it illegal to make a false claim about receiving a military honor or decoration or having served in the military when one didn't is unconstitutional.   However, what should concern him is that 65% of Americans STILL favor a law that criminalizes false claims about military service, military honors, and/or military awards and ranks.  Therefore, he still has reason to worry because it just may be that before he dies his false claims to military service and rank will come back to bite him on his obese ass.

It's certainly not difficult to understand why Charles Richard Treuter serves as the Treuter family's/ancestry's poster boy for being the "black sheep" of the family tree.

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